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Chapter 22: C# 3.0 Features 113 Remarks 113 Examples 113 Implicitly typed variables (var) 113 Language Integrated Queries (LINQ) 113 Lambda expresions 114 Anonymous types 115 Chapter 23: C# 4.0 Features 117 Examples 117 Optional parameters and named arguments 117 Variance 118 Optional ref keyword when using COM 118 Dynamic member lookup 118.</p><a id="(pdf)_english_for_english_speakers_-_beginner:_level_1_-_a"></a><h2>(PDF) English for English Speakers - Beginner: Level 1 - A.</h2><p>Clicking on the "F; name and select "View Code" to see the C# code: You can see that Visual Studio has generated some code for you. There is more, but it's not generally made visible to the programmer. 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